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Friday, September 23, 2011

Art of Living!!!

Useful Life Lessons for Happy Living

1.Living in the Moment
2.More Responsibility you take More Powerful you become
3.Opposite Values are complimentary
4.DO NOT See Intentions behind other people's mistakes
5.ACCEPT People and Situations as they are and not What we WANT them to BE.
6.Awareness about the following is necesary

a.Body-Becomes stronger with exercise.Right amount of Food,sleep,Knowledge and Meditation is required for it.

b.Breath-Is the only thread that can control the mind which is the Kite
c.Mind-It is the storehouse of all the 5 senses with the following nature

-"Mind keeps oscillating between the past and the future"
-"What you resist will persist"

d.Intellect-That which Judges.
e.Memory-Has a Nature to "Cling to Negativity"
f.Ego-That which you possess you tend to attach Ego to it.
g.SELF-Eternal,UNCHANGED and PURE!!!

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